
Live video recordings of online discussions


In-depth, long-form topical conversations

Leading voices

All the CityTalk Urban Champions happily share their knowledge, experience and commitment to better city making. Get to know them. Give them your support.

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  • Isla Jackson Tanaka

    Winter City Planner, City of Edmonton

  • Jaime Rogers

    Manager, Homeless & Housing Development Department, Medicine Hat Community Housing Society

  • Jaimee Gaunce

    Director of Policy and Stakeholder Relations, National Indigenous Housing Collaborative Inc.

  • Jake Stacey

    Executive Vice President Sales and Training, LGM Financial Services

  • Jamilla Mohamud

    Planner, Urban Strategies

  • Jane Farrow

    Principal & Founder, Dept. of Words & Deeds

  • Jane Talbot

    President & CEO, Downtown Vancouver

  • Janette MacDonald

    CEO, Founder, Shift Your Spend

  • Janice Abbott

    CEO, Atira Women’s Resource Society

  • Janice Stein

    Founding Director, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at UofT

  • Janine Theobald

    Director of Collaborative Engagement, The Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness

  • Janna Levitt

    Co-founder, LGA Architectural Partners