
Live video recordings of online discussions


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Leading voices

All the CityTalk Urban Champions happily share their knowledge, experience and commitment to better city making. Get to know them. Give them your support.

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  • Rena Soutar

    Manager of Decolonization, Arts and Culture, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

  • Richard Albert

    Professor, University of Texas

  • Richard Barkman

    Global Chief Economist, Head of Global Research & Head of Americas Research, CBRE

  • Richard Florida

    Professor, Economic Analysis and Policy, Rotman School of Management

  • Rino Bortolin

    Windsor City Councilor

  • Rob Leblanc

    Partner, Founder Director of Planning, Fathom Studio

  • Roger Keil

    Director, City Institute, York University

  • Romy Bowers

    President and CEO, Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

  • Rosanne Haggerty

    President and CEO of Community Solutions

  • Rosemarie Powell

    Executive Director, Toronto Community Benefits Network

  • Rudi Borrmann

    Deputy Director, OGP Local, Open Government Partnership

  • Rupen Seoni

    Senior Vice President and Practice Leader, Environics Analytics