5 Key
1. Placemaking Is a Universal Language That Builds Community and Supports Recovery
Placemaking is a powerful tool for fostering connection, strengthening local identity, and enhancing public spaces in ways that resonate with people’s lived experiences. It also plays a crucial role in helping communities recover from crises. The discussion highlighted placemaking as an instinctive and universal concept that transcends geography, culture, and history. Ryan Smolar underscored its impact on disaster recovery, citing efforts in Asheville, North Carolina, where placemaking is being used to rebuild communities affected by hurricanes and storms. He emphasized that placemaking serves as a catalyst for healing, social cohesion, and long-term recovery by fostering community-led initiatives that bring people together to restore their neighborhoods and public spaces. Whether in times of stability or crisis, placemaking creates opportunities for communities to connect, support one another, and shape their shared future.
2. Governance and Power-Sharing are Critical for Sustainable Placemaking
Madeleine Spencer underscored the need for adaptable governance models that enable community participation in shaping public spaces. She referenced Sheila Foster’s work on “co-governance” and emphasized that cities need to be “breathing” and adaptive to community needs. This approach ensures that placemaking remains inclusive, democratic, and reflective of local values rather than being dictated by top-down structures. She introduced the metaphor of placemaking as “mycelium,” comparing it to the fungal networks that sustain ecosystems by connecting and supporting growth. She explained that just as mycelium is essential for a healthy environment, placemaking acts as the invisible, connective force that allows communities to develop organically.
3. Placemaking Strengthens Local Economies and Social Resilience
Ethan Kent highlighted how placemaking can serve as a counterforce to political and economic instability by decentralizing power and fostering authentic, community-driven spaces. He pointed to examples of placemaking initiatives that have not only revitalized neighborhoods but also contributed to sustainable economic growth. The discussion stressed that investing in public spaces can drive local economies and make cities more resilient to social and environmental challenges. Madeleine Spencer emphasized that placemaking should go beyond resilience and basic survival, advocating instead for communities to thrive and flourish. She referenced positive psychology and the work of authors who highlight the importance of flourishing as a goal for urban development. Spencer noted that people are tired of being labeled as “resilient” and want to move beyond merely coping with challenges to truly thriving.
4. Funding Models Must Evolve to Support Community-Led Placemaking
Bridget MacIntosh stressed that successful placemaking requires sustained investment rather than one-time funding. She highlighted several key challenges, including the time-intensive nature of relationship building, as many funding models demand quick outcomes despite the need for long-term engagement. She also emphasized the importance of compensating community leaders, as grassroots initiatives often depend on unpaid labor, making honorariums and operational funding essential. Additionally, she called for more flexible funding structures, urging governments to move away from rigid, project-based grants and instead provide ongoing support to ensure placemaking efforts remain viable and impactful over time.
5. Private Sector Engagement in Placemaking Must Be Purpose-Driven
Jacquelyn West discussed the growing interest of the private sector in placemaking and the importance of ensuring that these efforts align with community needs rather than just commercial interests. She pointed to large-scale city infrastructure projects incorporating placemaking principles early in the process, creating a balance between top-down investment and bottom-up community direction. The conversation emphasized that development should be centered on enhancing public spaces rather than extracting value from them.
Full Panel
Note to readers: This video session was transcribed using auto-transcribing software. Questions or concerns with the transcription can be directed to citytalk@canurb.org with “transcription” in the subject line.
Mary W. Rowe It’s Mary Rowe from the Canadian Urban Institute, delighted to have so many people joining us for, let’s talk about placemaking. It’s about this, just saying, place. I don’t know how that shows up on the camera. It’s backwards for me, but anyway, it’s all about this. And I am so excited to have people joining us from across the country and across North America, actually, because we’re at a rather, low moment, I would say. And I think that the wonderful thing about this initiative and about this topic is that it is an uplifting, hopeful, constructive way that we build community, that we build a sense of camaraderie and opportunity and just what reminds us why we live in places. We actually live in places and we make them better through something magical called placemaking. And it’s not all magic, a lot of it is just good old hard work. But we have fabulous people joining us today. And just to say that this is the traditional territory of many First Nations, Inuit and Métis, as everyone knows. And in Canada, for our American colleagues, we really don’t start public events without some kind of acknowledgement of our obligation to find truth and to seek reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. And placemaking is a concept that is part of the Indigenous culture and manifests in a bunch of different ways. I’m sure my panelists will talk … my guests today will talk a bit about that. But today I happen to be in Toronto, covered under treaty 13, the Williams Treaty, with the Mississaugas of the Credit and it’s also home to the Anishinaabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat Peoples and, as I suggested, this is an ongoing process of reconciliation that we’re engaged in here. I’m going to ask my folks to turn their cameras on so you can see who’s joining us from different places and different, as I suggested, different climates. We were in the practice, we were sort of comparing notes, as Canadians do, I don’t know if Americans do this. I think Americans start meetings talking about sports. Canadians start meetings talking about weather. So there we are. And now at the moment, all we do is start talking, when we start meetings, we talk about just checking in like, how are you doing? How are you doing? So maybe when people come on today, they can, before they launch into why place making matters and what we’re doing and, my God, Ryan is, Ryan is moving furniture. I’m not sure what he’s doing. But you want to talk about this, obviously. We launched this report last week, probably the most popular report we’ve issued in a long time at CUI, so hats off to all of you that produced it and contributed to it. And what I love about it is that the bottom, this is in English and French, I’m just reading from the English one, but it is a bit of a coffee table book. I’m just saying, our doorstop book. It’s a bit thick, just saying. But at the bottom it says “in dialog with Canada’s placemaking community”. And maybe the next edition needs to be in dialog with the global placemaking community because that’s what’s so fabulous about this practice or discipline or experience or whatever it is that you folks who are in placemaking want to call it is that it actually straddles geography, it straddles culture, it straddles history. It’s something that everyone instinctively gets, you know we do a lot of work at CUI on Main Streets, and one of the reasons we used Main Street is it was a code for economic activity at the local level, and social activity at the local level and you can pretty much talk to anybody about where’s your main street, and no matter what size of community they live in they’ll be able to tell you. Could be a four corners, could be the back of a store, could be “that’s our main street”, and I feel the same way about placemaking. Even though people… We had colleagues this morning in the office who don’t actually know the term, they’re not part of the little internal workings of placemaking, but when you with them, they say, oh, oh, right. I’m a placemaker too. So I think that’s one of the lovely things about this, is that this is a dialog, it’s about you and other people and your experience in a place, how the place relates to you, how you relate to the place. So on that happy note, I’m going to ask Jacquelyn if she could start by talking a little bit about how this document came to be. And also, as I say, could we just start with a little check in about – how are you doing? So let’s start with the how you’re doing and then we can… And I, and you know, this is a safe space. Lots of people in the chat can offer how they’re doing, how they’re feeling. This is a respectful place, respectful space, and so we’ll listen to each other with open hearts and open minds to just check in on, how are you doing? And then we’re going to talk about this report. So Jacquelyn, over to you first. Just congratulations. Can I just say, I think the feeling that I have is that people were so ready for something positive, something hopeful, something tangible, and you’ve delivered that. Thank you. Timing is everything. Over to you, Jacquelyn. Great to have you on CityTalk.
Jacquelyn West Great, and yeah, thank you, Mary. And I’m so happy to be in Toronto today. I spent a lot of time in Montreal and I forget just the scale of difference when you come from a city like Montreal and you come to Toronto, which has really just become a Sim city. I really want to thank the panelists for joining us today. It’s been many hours on video calls over the last series of months, and I just want to thank the contributors for their very important work and contributions to this book, and then also to leverage their own networks for us to be able to talk to over a hundred practitioners. So when I started with the Canadian Urban Institute, we were facilitating a national practitioner network of over 6,000 placemakers across the country, facilitating a thousand projects across the country in placemaking as a response to the pandemic. And what was sort of strikingly apparent was just the outcomes, the unexpected new relationships, the cohesion, and the notes from the ground, the field notes that were coming forward. Just for a bit of context, Canada’s placemaking community was an initiative between the CUI and the Community Foundations of Canada that was looking to create a support network, a practitioner network of sorts, offering knowledge exchange, offering mentorship, and offering tools and promotion for the projects that were being facilitated across the country. And so what we wanted to do was we wanted to take what we were seeing and learning and find a home for it and find a platform for it, and in that, we opened that practitioner network from being that closed 6,000 to opening it to a broader and global audience. So it was at that moment that we expanded the conversation to our colleagues in the U.S. with Placemaking U.S., and also with Ethan Kent and his Placemaking X network, and we started to gather what we were finding in the field … That’s what you’ll see as this collected iterative document. I guess just to give a little context as to what you’ll find in this publication is practitioner insights from 100 practitioners, and with modesty we know that we didn’t speak to everybody that is doing this important work, and it is a huge intention of us to keep up this dialog and this ongoing conversation because what we’ve begun to find is just so interesting. We synthesized 21 definitions of placemaking that we found across a whole host of practitioners to, in a way, find a unifying language to talk about placemaking.
Mary W. Rowe Thanks Jacquelyn. I’m just noticing that, just to reinforce, you know, my gut instinct about this, about how this is almost a universal language, placemaking, almost. I’m sorry for our French speakers that we’re not translating this simultaneously into French. I’m going to see if we can fix that for CityTalk so that we could always offer in English and French. The launch last week was en Français in Montreal and I see a number of Montrealer’s on the call. Jacquelyn’s in Montreal. We have a couple of staff now in CUI that live in Montreal, which is wonderful. But just scanning the chat, and I always encourage people, go on to that chat, if you’re a lurker, I was on a webinar yesterday that I listened to and I was a lurker, I was sitting doing other work and I wasn’t really watching, and if you’re one of those people, busted, and you’re sitting at the edge of the desk, you’re missing looking at the chat because people put all sorts of interesting things in the chat, including where they’re coming in from. So, I see Cape Town, Stockholm, Dublin, Surrey, San Francisco, New York City, Portland, Windsor, always good to have Windsor here. Montreal, and lots of Torontonians, obviously. Sioux Falls, come on. We have got fabulous people checking in from all sorts of places. So if you haven’t done that yet, and you’re a lurker and you don’t know how to use the chat functions, very easy, go to the bottom of the screen, go onto the chat, just tell us where you’re coming in from. It’s fascinating because it just reinforces that we are a large, diverse community. And Ethan, I’m going to come to you next because I know that a lot of these folks are Placemaking X people. Just saying. And that’s why… And you have an enormous reach and you and I have known each other forever, and you started in New York and with a project that was primarily U.S. focused, but somehow this has become a really porous movement. So talk to us about, first of all checking in, how you feeling, how you doing? And then talk to us about where placemaking is at now? What do you think the moment is? Halifax, thank you everybody. Just keep putting in where you’re coming in from. It’s fascinating. Go ahead, Ethan.
Ethan Kent Yeah, well, thank you, Mary, so much for hosting this conversation and so many of your CityTalks and anything you moderate are, you know, the highest level of urbanism conversations out there. So this is, you’ve been lifting the bar and bringing so many people together for years, and really you helped launch and really see the idea for what we’re doing now with Placemaking X, both launching the first placemaking week ever, which was in Vancouver, which was really our biggest placemaking conference that helped shape, get place -making principles into the New Urban Agenda and help establish sustainable development goal 11.7, was the year after I point out that actually the first Placemaking Canada gathering, so the Canada network building and movement building has really pioneered what we’re trying to build around the world. Placemaking Canada, formed as a network, thanks to the McConnell Foundation back in 2015, but became a model for networks now, there’s now more than 30 national and regional placemaking networks that we’ve helped to support covering really most of the world. And so it’s really fitting that this publication has again raised the bar on the quality of the placemaking conversation and broadened what placemaking can be. And the wonkiness and fuzziness of the word we find is what enables great conversation and debate. Who does it? Who is it for?
Mary W. Rowe That’s interesting, isn’t it? Isn’t that interesting that the, we’re so often accused that we’re not being precise enough, but this, the fuzziness and vagueness might be good.
Ethan Kent Yeah, part of, the most important part of the placemaking process is debating, you know, how it’s done and who’s engaged in it, and that’s, the approach to these networks is that it’s always about, you celebrate whoever’s leading it and what they bring to it, but you always realize that they’re blocking. So how do we always diversify who’s involved? And so that actually brings me to why we’re having the second Global Placemaking Summit in Toronto with you all and many partners that are on the call. You know, being shaped by the Canadian discourse and community, but also the global discourse and how do we chart the path for the next five years of the placemaking movement? Where does it go? We want it to be rooted in Indigenous placemaking perspectives that Canadians have really helped lead on in so many ways. We want it to really grapple with these challenges of nationalism and really the toxic, you know, politics that’s going on, mostly at the fault of my country right now. But how place leaders, placemaking experts can disrupt and reconnect more authentic power centers around the world, how we can decentralize power, but also realize that in places that people love and that they’re facilitated to give love to, those places will persevere. They will be, progress will be, you know, will continue to advance and innovate in places that are inclusive and welcoming and grappling with these deeper issues. And frankly, people are having more fun and being more creative and really thriving in great places. And that’s the way we’re actually going to really disrupt and overcome the darker forces that have been really challenging us this winter. But eager to, the others are the ones that actually put together this great product. And in the Placemaking Canada community, really took, what you guys did with that really took the conversation to another level globally. The model of how government supported it and the community foundations of Canada supported placemaking to come out of the pandemic, facilitated by CUI, really raised the bar on what national leadership and national NGOs can do to support placemaking impact and implementation. And now the question is, I think with the summit, is how do we build on that momentum, redistribute that power locally perhaps and build capacity to take the placemaking conversation to another level.
Mary W. Rowe Thanks Ethan. Listen, we’ve all got now full -time jobs just scrolling through the chats to see where people are coming in from, and I wanted to say that that, I mean listen I’ve just been looking. Scranton, Penetanguishene, Jacksonville, Phoenix, St. John’s, Calgary, Vancouver, London UK, London Ontario, a place in India I hope I don’t mispronounce it Mysuru, Amherst, Los Angeles, it’s fantastic. And I just think, here’s the moment we’re going to all enjoy with each other right this minute. We are people. We care about our communities, we care about our families, we care about our neighbors, we care about what is around us, and we are joined in that pursuit. And whatever national boundaries or borders or debates or high-minded acrimony is flying around, how wonderful for us to just remind ourselves that we share a common pursuit to make good lives for ourselves and for our neighbors, you know? And that’s what placemaking reminds us of. And I think that’s why this is such an important conversation. And we, those of us that are in placemaking, I don’t think… We’re not that lofty about it. We don’t think it’s really, we don’t think we’re all about world peace, but maybe we are. Maybe we are. Maybe this is how we, maybe this is how you build this kind of connective tissue. So Ethan, thank you for acknowledging that this is a movement that’s been building over decades and decades and decades. And it’s just, we’re all going to enjoy this hour together, reminding ourselves what really matters, communities, people, and place. So Ryan, let’s go to you next. You’re somewhere balmy. Let’s be nice about this, about, just saying the Canadians worry about weather. I also saw people are checking into the chat and someone has checked in, someone who we know well who’s a Canadian, just saying, has checked in from Brooklyn and then put “sorry” behind it. So people need to understand. That’s kind of funny because Canadians are the ones that say sorry, just saying. So thanks, Kendal, nice to see you here. Go ahead, Ryan. Talk to us about what your, first of all, how you doing, how you feeling, and then secondly, talk to us about placemaking and where you think we’re at, what’s the moment we’re at.
Ryan Smolar Hi everyone, great to be here with you. I’m Ryan Smolar from Placemaking US and we’re a national learning and sharing network around placemaking. I’m coming in from Asheville, North Carolina where it is a snowy, wintery day. We’re actually using placemaking here as a tool for recovery and rebuilding, because there was a hurricane here and a big storm. A lot of destruction in our arts community, and in outlying communities and rural communities. And so I’m actually here with some visiting placemakers from New Orleans who worked on community generated plans down there and they’re sharing their stories here today so that our communities can organize here on the ground. Also, every conversation definitely punctuated with the big issues that you’ve brought up, and seeing funding for placemaking, you know, nationally through programs like federal grants to different roadway reinterpretations, to federal aid programs overseas, you know, gutting programs that are geared at safety of, you know, really vulnerable populations. So it’s a tough time, but we’re placemakers. We’re always finding the silver lining and having fun and trying to work together for better days. So, great to be here at this monumental release of this report and congratulations.
Mary W. Rowe Thanks, Ryan. Great to have you. And the idea of placemaking as a tool for recovery is a very, very important principle, I think, for us to be reminded of. And this document is full of things like this, lots of examples and lots of practical ways in which communities have used placemaking differently. One of the things that we’re talking about is, the problem with producing a report is that as soon as you do it, you think, oh, but there’s also this and there’s that and what about and what about… So here’s, you know, that’s why, um… That’s why writing a book is hard, because as soon as you finish the book, you think, well, I really should have put in this, this, and this. So what we’re talking about now, I think we need to collectively, all of us think about this, is how do we create a living repository of best practice so that you can click on something and then you’ve got the latest updates. So those of you that aren’t in here and are feeling kind of sad or put out, it wasn’t intentional. They had to draw a line somewhere. Madeleine, I’m going to come to you next. And I think the question is, could we create some kind of a living piece? The other thing is, people that are asking, How do we get a copy of this beloved thing? We’ve not really worked that out yet. This is a labor of love, intensive, as I say, doorstop material. And the thing is, we don’t really want to be printing it in one place and shipping it with great carbon expense everywhere. So that’s why you can download it online, but let’s… Yeah, yeah, free online, but we’re going to think about how to, you know, share this. And also, as I say, update, keep it alive. So Madeleine, great to see you. We’ll go from one co-director to the other co-director, and tell me how you’re doing.
Madeleine Spencer I’m doing good, and I’m here in Southern California today and I’m excited about this talk, and also the launch of this dialog piece that has come out. I think that for me, one of the main things that I was really excited about in bringing, being able to contribute is the fact that I have been looking a lot at positive psychology with a couple of authors that have spoken about flourishing, and the importance of flourishing. And we had heard directly from people on the street, we were in New Orleans and they’re like, you know, we’re really tired of people talking about how resilient we are. And we, and just being able to survive, we want to be able to thrive and flourish. And I think that for me, it was really important to bring in that human flourishing might be like this audacious and deeply humanistic goal of placemaking, but I believe that it’s the initiative that we should be aiming for. So we were very excited to begin to bring in, and I know that we come from this sort of like enlightened century of a hundred years of like car-centric planning, zoning regulations, unmitigated pollution, housing issues, lack of access to green space, extreme weather and displacement are some of the new things that we’re dealing with, and so the thing is this question of, why would we be settling for survival when flourishing is what we should be working on? It is the blueprint for like our survival and how we’re going to adapt to all of the things coming up. Some of the beautiful things that were shared by authors like Setha Low who we brought into this document, is that there’s these different domains that she’s shown that have a lot to do with how we can look and evaluate if our placemaking goals are happening. And it has to do with like social equity, health, joy, economic opportunity, sustainability, and cultural identity. So I’m excited to continue our discussion and how we kind of grappled with all of these different things as we were putting together this work.
Mary W. Rowe Thanks, Madeleine, always great to see you. I’m just going to encourage people, now that I’ve chided you all, get on the chat. Engage in the chat. Make sure that you set your settings to everyone, otherwise, it just comes to me and the panelists, and we’re happy to hear you, but really, what we’d like is for you to post to everyone, so everyone can benefit from whatever wise thing you’re saying. Bridget, you’re in cleanup position here. There, it’s a sports reference. Did you like that? You’re batting cleanup.
Bridget MacIntosh I see what you did there. That’s great.
Mary W. Rowe Talk to us, first of all, how you doing? Let’s check in and then talk to us a little bit about this whole effort and what you’re seeing.
Bridget MacIntosh Definitely. So first, I’m feeling very thankful. I have been able to work with some fabulous collaborators, present company included. And so just feeling very inspired and just very pleased, very thankful about the work that I’m able to do. And yeah, just to echo how there was so much information, so much knowledge, so many different examples that we wanted to be able to include, and so just to draw that line and figure out, oh, goodness. In terms of approaches and looking at things from the policy angle, and what are municipalities and areas doing to help support flourishing, to help champion networks, all of this good stuff, I tried to bucket it into four areas just as a start. Again, like not exhaustive, but like it’s a start. So first thing, a lot of work in cultural districts, just pulling from examples from the book, especially here in Toronto, we have work that’s happening on a cultural district program and especially the Little Jamaica Project and definitely want to acknowledge the work that Jay Pitter has done with that particular initiative, but lots of great cultural district related programs that look at protecting and celebrating the authentic feel and vibe of place, and associated with cultural districts are certainly community land trusts. So how do we put in frameworks or policies that help safeguard that area, that protect against gentrification? And quick shout out, Arts Build Ontario, they are having a webinar, I think on April 3rd, that specifically looks at community land trust, so I highly recommend joining in on that. And then over to nighttime strategies, cities that are realizing the potential of the nighttime economy and the role that placemaking has in that. So, looking to Ottawa as one example, Matthew Gondin is doing great work there. Also in Toronto, there was a night economy study that was done with VibeLab, an organization, I believe based in Europe, that is also exploring this nighttime placemaking, nighttime economy type work. Edmonton has just recently done a nighttime economy strategy, and I think even Hamilton now is just getting started on that type of work. So certainly looking at policy and infrastructure on. that side of things. Another area that cities are exploring are in between or connecting spaces. So we’re seeing a lot of policies and frameworks that are supporting placemaking in alleys and in those spaces that connect one place to another. Vancouver is doing some great work in terms of an alley support. I don’t have the exact title, but a strategy or framework to support alley activation. The Seattle Clear Alleys program is one of the pioneering frameworks or approaches in this regard, as well as Denver. And in the book, we talk about the Meadoway and other connecting opportunities and policies such as that, which are fantastic. And finally, I’m probably going on, are the stewardship shifts. So the book talks a lot about just finding that sweet spot in between government-led and community-generated. So municipalities that are enacting policies and frameworks that shift the power, and shift stewardship back to the people and the communities that are using these spaces and who are living in these spaces. So just want to give a shout out to Vancouver, their Plaza Stewardship Strategy, the New York DOT program, the New York Plaza program is another fantastic example. And again, some of the cultural land trust related work there is also echoing that. So lots of great different buckets, but I think that’s a good start, and I encourage everyone to read the book and continue the conversation.
Mary W. Rowe I’m going to ask everybody to put their camera on and we’ll go into the Hollywood Squares section, where everybody can see everybody. You have to be of a certain age to know what Hollywood Squares is. But Madeleine, you must remember Hollywood Squares, you’re nodding.
Ethan Kent It’s actually coming back. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing, but Hollywood Square is coming back and a friend of mine is the lead writer for it.
Mary W. Rowe They’re not going to bring Paul Lind back. He was hilarious, and he’s dead, but we’ll need a new Paul Lind, of which there are many, I’m sure. So I have a couple of things for us generally to talk about. And as I say, if you’ve got a brilliant suggestion as to how we can make this available in an affordable way and that people could get access to it, send somebody a message. You can… Don’t put it here in the chat, but just email one of us and say, Mary, here’s the solution. We’re keen to hear it, because we want to get this out to as many people as we can. But we also want to update it. And as I suggested, another thing to do on this chat would be, if you’ve got other resources, and you want to point us to them, just put the domain names, just put the links into the chat. This usually makes the chat blow up. When I say, okay, put some links in the chat, and then all hell breaks loose and people put a gazillion in. So do it, because we post the chat and then everybody can see it. So we’re, you know, we used to talk about this in a way that wasn’t fearful. We want this to go viral. See what I mean? As predicted, the chat now blows up. We want this… Placemaking has gone viral, I guess. That’s what’s interesting and uh… Ethan, that would be very important to your family because your dad was one of the early early early advocates for this, and now it’s everywhere. So I want to talk for a sec about obstacles. In your research when you were putting this together, and Madeleine, you kind of hinted at a few, what do we think the key obstacles are to implementing placemaking? Who wants to take that first? Otherwise I’ll call on you, but… Ethan, you want to? Somebody else, who, Madeleine was it you?
Madeleine Spencer I can start. One of the things that I keep hearing and what people keep talking about is governance structures. And I think that one of the fabulous featured writers right now, Sheila Foster, wrote Co-Cities about really talking about co-governance, how to have an enabling state, how to have pooling economies, how to have tech justice in our cities. So I feel like, this is a huge dialog right now that, we have to start reorganizing so that we’re adaptive and breathing. I mean, Jane Jacobs is the one who says that it’s a… Cities are living and we have to have places that are allowing places to breathe along with the changes that are occurring continuously.
Mary W. Rowe I love that. We need places to breathe, to breathe with us. What a wonderful way to phrase that, Madeleine. I hope that somebody on the CUI research team can just Google, quickly, Sheila Foster, who has, and her whole notion of co-governance. Because as you suggest, placemaking is a little microcosm of larger urban governance. So we’re talking about placemaking and the most effective placemaking approaches, but it’s the same kind of process to deal with mental health, or to deal with accessibility and transit, or to deal with building a green building. It’s all about this interactive, collective process that we engage in, or process. That was my bi-national thing, process process. It’s all about that, that cities are fundamentally, and communities, even small ones, are fundamentally an act of this kind of collaborative, we’re adjacent to one another, we’re going to make it work together. Who else wants to talk about obstacles? Ethan, you started, I think.
Ethan Kent I could jump in. Certainly, yeah, we, you know, in every part of the world, you know, people are actually facing similar obstacles. And that’s why we wanted to sort of network this globally. But everyone’s coming at these discussions from different strengths and different weaknesses. And so, different parts of the world are figuring how to lead this from government, from the private sector, from grassroots activism. But whoever’s leading it is also blocking it to an extent. So that’s why we need to always keep balancing and diversifying who’s involved. But governance is really ultimately where, has always been the biggest obstacle and biggest opportunity for placemaking. Really, place and public space falls between the cracks of different departments, different sectors, different disciplines. Nobody’s job is to create great places, but when it becomes everybody’s job, you know, we’re not really trying to make it a separate profession or, you know, even necessarily a separate cause, but one that disrupts and reconnects draws out the best in many. And so place governance has always been, you know, you mentioned Main Streets and, you know, Toronto started the first BIAs, the first, you know, those are different innovations in place governance efforts. And so that’s really been central to all of the place making conferences going on around the world. How do we always diversify the participation in governance? Informal governance is often the biggest, the most successful public spaces are actually informally governed in a sense. It doesn’t mean you always make it more formal, but we will have, Tim Tompkins is helping to lead our global agenda on that. Our board chair, Peter Smith in Australia, There’s a lot of great minds on place governance that will be coming to Toronto for the summit. I know Toronto’s already having some internal discussions about these types of topics. But place governance is actually one of 40 different agendas that we are creating, just like we’ve created these 30 networks around the world that are geographic. What we launched with the first global placemaking summit in Mexico City a little over a year ago was cross -cutting agenda networks that are all dealing with different obstacles to better public spaces. So whether it’s Indigenous placemaking issues, or refugee placemaking, or equity or women in placemaking, there’ll be leaders on all these different topics coming to facilitate and learn from Canadian local discussions to connect the dots in these efforts, to challenge these conversations, take them further, you know, network the learning, the advocacy, and ultimately the impact on these cross-cutting topics.
Mary W. Rowe You know, this is always a consonant test for a CityTalk listener. You will hear people talking about governance. A -N -C -E, governance. Not to be confused with E -N -T -S, governments. So this is about governance. All the different ways that we arrive at shared decision-making. Jacquelyn, do you want to talk a bit about your experience on this? Because the Quartier des Spectacles is, of course, the great banner example for many of us. And so there are two places that, if you haven’t, for those of us that are coming in from other places, you’ve got to go to Montreal and you’ve got to see the Quartier des Spectacles. It’s just breathtaking when you see it. And then you have to come to Toronto to this summit, that Ethan and a bunch of us are going to host with him in June. But Jacquelyn, can you talk a little bit about that, about how you’ve been able to figure out the stewardship piece of QDS and the governance of it?
Jacquelyn West Yeah, thank you. So the Quartier des Spectacles is a central cultural district, downtown Montreal, sort of a transition from what was a bit the, red light district. And it was…
Mary W. Rowe We should learn from that. We should learn from that. We’ve got lots of cities here that have their own red light district. Here you go! A way to democratize space and maybe make it a little more inclusive. Go ahead. So it was the red light district. Carry on.
Jacquelyn West It’s a one kilometer squared territory that was delineated for the cultural organizations that bring so much vibrancy, entertainment and destination value to downtown Montreal, to have a permanent space and a permanent place. So what’s unique to your point, Mary, is that from the beginning, it was a collaborative governance structure. So the governance of the territory is actually the 80 cultural organizations that call it home. And there’s a whole series of subcommittees and administrative councils that help direct it for everything from speaking with one voice to promote the activities of all of the organizations that are operating in this space, but also to look forward and plan forward, and what an interesting statistic about the Quartier des Spectacles was a summit of Montreal that sort of instigated this idea, and it was the socialization of this idea across all levels of government and cultural organizations say, “okay, you know what, we’re going to make a $220 million investment. We’re going to create a world class tourist destination”. And what they’ve come to see over time, and we have some direct impact data that I can pull up, but it’s in the environment of a four billion dollar retomber, like a result from that initial investment in additional investment that has come to the area.
Mary W. Rowe Yeah, it’s interesting again, one of the things that I always want to take from this is, there’s no one way to do this. And part of when we, the hesitancy always around creating best practice, is that you somehow sideline a gazillion of other approaches, so we always want to just talk about possible practices, or I don’t know what the current euphemism is but, because the way they did in Montreal may not necessarily work with the way they should do it in Dublin or the way they’re going to do it in Amherst, so that’s important. We all have different approaches to this, but there are some common principles, I guess, around governance, and I see some folks suggesting that the resources are too tightly controlled centrally. What’s interesting, let’s talk about resourcing. Bruce Katz a fellow at CUI, and based in the U.S., is saying that he feels that the transition that you’re all witnessing in the U.S. with the way in which the trump administration is initially behaving, the decisions it’s making, is that it’s going to decentralize and push more resources, and certainly more authority to local governments and local communities. That’s an interesting take, I have to think about that. But, placemaking is fundamentally a local thing. Bridget, when you look at the examples of placemaking, and the possible practices do you see any kind of through-line that is consistent? I just suggested, someone had suggested informal, I think Ethan said informal is often most successful. Anything else, any other through-lines?
Bridget MacIntosh Shifting into more of the funding type of considering.
Mary W. Rowe Let’s talk about money.
Bridget MacIntosh Yeah, definitely. So I think just a through-line as well, is that building relationships is fundamental to placemaking and for it to be successful and for it to be authentic. And building relationships takes time. So in terms of funding mechanisms to support placemaking, as funders, whether that’s municipal, provincial, federal, to really change their concept of time and their focus on when outcomes need to emerge. We need to look at funding models that support these community-led initiatives that really factor in the time that it takes to build relationships, the time that it takes to consult and meet with the community. And along with that, recognizing the labor that goes into building a strong community placemaking initiative, and so, taking into account honorariums and compensating community leaders for their time, just because, you know, it is difficult, we’re in trying times. And along similar, you know, funding discussions, I’m just going to say it loud and proud, like operating costs. So, you know, just separate from just, you know, smaller micro-initiatives, looking at all of the practitioners in the community and how the operating costs that go into supporting those types of initiatives and how it’s not a bad thing. It’s a fact that the operating costs money and to have investment along with that.
Mary W. Rowe So we’ve all got horrible anecdotes about this, where some magnificent investment is made and then there is no budget for operating costs, or also it may be a beautiful space, but no programming, and so it ends up being a beautiful but dead space. Ryan, when you think about the different projects that you’ve supported and that you visit and that you’re aware of, how do we build in what Bridget is referring to here? I think we have to be patient. It can’t be one and done. It’s not fast. What are the tips that you’re observing in terms of that, and also to make the space sustainable so that it doesn’t end up being neglected?
Ryan Smolar Yeah, so we really love like a phase zero approach. So before you even build anything, start building the culture around it so that when there is time to build, you’ve grown into what needs to get built. We often try and build things and then have community form to those things. And even though it was on some wish list, if it wasn’t through an embodied activity over time, you really didn’t build that muscle to deserve that object.
Mary W. Rowe I mean, this is this whole concept of placekeeping that, and I love all these new words that are being added, place-stewardship, placekeeping. And placekeeping is, I think it comes out of the Indigenous community. Jacquelyn, help me on this. I know that you talk about it in the report. Placekeeping, is that part of the ingredient? Ryan’s kind of getting at that, that we can neglect that piece, go with it.
Jacquelyn West Yeah, thank you. I mean, this is part of what we were calling our placekeeping for a new, placemaking for a new generation chapter, where we were really looking at some of these emerging concepts, these emerging ideas and these emerging terms. And when we talk about placekeeping in the context of the of the publication, we’re looking at BIPOC communities at large, but also the role, specifically the role that it’s playing to help indigenize cities, and we had the beautiful pleasure of being able to reprint a very important guide that Evergreen had published, which is called the International Indigenous Design Charter.
Mary W. Rowe I see TJ’s on the chat. TJ, can you post a link to the IIDC, the charter that Evergreen did? I don’t know if it’s still available. We reprinted it. Is it in here? Jacquelyn, is it referenced in here?
Jacquelyn West It is in here with a beautiful forward from the author to introduce the concept. And as well, Madeleine and her work in the U.S. has really been, I think, leading some of the thoughts and new practices. There are some examples through some of the, looking through the Six Domains of Flourishing, especially around how, you know, the practice of placemaking can support cultural, you know, cultural identities and sort of, you know, the countering of gentrification’s effects. And I don’t know, maybe I can even just like pass the mic over to Madeleine if you wanted to share.
Madeleine Spencer I think earlier when Ethan brought up, like placemaking to me, if I was going to use a biological term, and it’s funny because I was just out on an urban agriculture site yesterday, we’re like the mushrooms, the mycelium. If you don’t have mycelium in your soil, it doesn’t matter if you’re rewilding a place and making it, trying to create flourishing again, you can’t actually, it doesn’t work. You have to have the mushrooms that is the connective tissue between these things that make it grow. So what’s interesting to me is like, when Ryan is talking, and it’s not just, I mean, those Indigenous practices and Indigenous psychologies and as well as the way of building, that’s been around way before any of this. And it’s about the stewardship of place and land. And it’s not our deductive reasoning that scientism in America has kind of built up where it’s divided from. So when we’re talking about places, each place is contextual and it has to have this base to have growth, so that what gets built there, it gets accepted because the people themselves are embracing that it’s a natural organic structure, not something brought in from outside and that colonial kind of, you know, imposition and right now, that’s what placemaking does, and it’s a distinctive thing that, over years of planning, we’re saying, look, the community itself has a life, a context and a way of being, and it wants to grow naturally. And it needs to have some leverage to make that happen. And it needs to be listened to, essentially, so that it can happen.
Mary W. Rowe Yay. A thing about this, Madeleine, that I love about placemaking, is it’s tangible. You know, I think so many people that work locally, sometimes they just can’t see progress. You know, oh, I’ve been at it and I’ve been at it. Placemaking actually has something that you can actually touch, feel, experience. I love the tangibility of it. With the time left that we’ve got, you know, as with every movement, now the risk we all have, of course, is that the market’s going to get a hold of it. And suddenly, placemaking is becoming, and we’re hearing from lots and lots of folks in the commercial real estate and development sector who love this. And I think lots of them love it for all the right reasons, because they want to benefit the community that they’re investing in, and they want to be able to see that as part of their competitive advantage when they’re trying to sell a unit. But let’s talk a little bit about how you work with the private sector and with the development community. Who would like to take that on? Tell me a success. Go ahead, Ethan.
Ethan Kent You know, thank you for bringing that up. That’s a big one. And I think actually will be a big topic at the summit. We’re getting tons of emails, great interest from developers, and frankly, the placemaking movement didn’t start with the private sector. It started more from the perspective of advocates and how do we make public spaces more inclusive, and prevent it from being privatized. Though now I think to grow up, to have a bigger impact, we’ve been good at that sort of, the lighter, quicker, cheaper, the tangible impacts. That’s sort of going viral around the world, but it’s not yet really shaping land use. It’s not systemically shaping governance and development. The dominant paradigm of the private sector of development is still place-taking. It’s still taking value, sucking value from the shared public realm. Though, we know there are developers in every part of the world that get, very well, that when you lead with public space, you drive the market. You don’t just follow the market, and you capture some of that value. And those are the projects that really become most loved, become resilient, or become resilient to market downturns. And so we think there’s a virtuous cycle between place and development, that you almost want everyone to co-opt a public space a little bit, if you set it up right. You want everyone competing to contribute to the space. So that will be a big topic. The suburban issues and growth are a big issue. UN Habitat will be a big part of this, because most of cities are not yet built around the world. And how Toronto and Canadian cities deal with growth in the coming years, and deal suburban issues. How do they see development on the terms of local people to attract investment on their terms, to add to their vision for their places? It’s a key opportunity. There’s no one better than Canadians and people in Toronto to figure this out. The leading urbanists have always been there. There’s no more diverse city, no more pluralistic city. So how you all figure this out, with support from people around the world doing pieces of this will be key, and will be a key message of this global summit. Now, one last point is that, so we have developers everywhere, but Mary, you reminded me that you actually got us started on this path with your idea called, you were calling it the “place core”. And so, you know, the Peace Corps, you know, came out of the 60s, we did, you know, a new revolution. And we do need to connect, there are people coming and trying to connect placemaking and peacemaking. People that have done it, there’s people from Palestine coming, there’s people from Northern Ireland that are doing this work. So that’s a big topic, but how we really connect in a very distributed, authentic leaders around the world and show that authentic power of people caring for place. They’re not alone. They’re not isolated. They’re not crazy. That’s what this is all about. We’re all the mycelium. We’re all key nodes in this mycelium and these places and the communities that we represent and are building together, are these nodes of innovation, of creativity, of hope, of authentic power that ultimately will overcome the sort of more top-down, place-taking power that unfortunately no one embodies more than our president right now.
Mary W. Rowe Madeleine, you mentioned about the concept of resilience, and I cut my teeth on all of this just observing and trying to keep my mouth shut, and just learn. In New Orleans for the five years after Katrina, so many people came into New Orleans and started telling them what they should or shouldn’t do. And I was chastened enough, quickly, to just, you know, as they say in common parlance, shut the fuck up and just listen and try to watch what was going on. And the resilience concept, we used it there because it spoke to building a muscle of being adaptive, but it was Tracy Washington, who’s still active, a lawyer, a social justice lawyer in New Orleans, who said resilience is becoming a word like you can just hit us again and we’ll just keep bouncing back. It’s not permission to just keep throwing things at us. So I think that’s the watchful component of this. And in terms of the place core. You know, I think we already have a place core, Ethan. I think this is what this book and the movement that you guys are all catalyzing is about. You’re just connecting the dots and creating more ways for us to have a sense of commonality and affinity with each other. So we are the place core. I’m going to challenge my colleagues at CUI to put into the chat the report that Gail and the Bentway just produced on the social prescription, or the social benefits of placemaking. And then let’s take a few minutes to talk about that. I hate to have to do this, because the cultural sector forever has had to justify investments in them, that it has an economic return. But are we able, do you think, do you think we’ve got the data to build the case? Bridget, do we have the data to show that placemaking generates financial returns? Do we have it?
Bridget MacIntosh I think we do, definitely. I think one of the challenges ahead of us too is the knowledge exchange piece, and, so with the Healthy Communities Initiative, have to champion how that knowledge was shared, the funding and the investments that were made, the outcomes were shared. There were webinars that talked about the projects, what the outcomes were, and it was easily accessible. I know that there are so many municipalities and all the cultural bureaucrats on this call, I see you, I know you’re working hard, I know you’re doing a lot of work on all these strategies, but it has great information. So finding a way to somehow even collect all of that data and all of that information, so it is easily accessible for cultural bureaucrats and policymakers across Canada to be able to pull those reports, pull those staff reports, which are so rich in data, the council presentations, the actual strategy itself, and share that amongst the bureaucrats and the policymakers, who are in positions to influence the policy and influence investments on the government level.
Mary W. Rowe You know, I think one of the things we have to remind ourselves is, whether you’re in an environment where money is being removed from the public sector, or whether you’re in an environment where the public sector is actually flooding and putting more money in, both of those conditions can exist and the interesting thing is that there is money in the system. So the question is, how do we actually make ourselves as flexible as we can be to invest money wisely in infrastructure, because that’s the future. Ryan, something to you, I’m going to go around quickly to everybody for a couple of last words. Ryan to you, then to Jacquelyn, and then I’ll go around the room. Go ahead, Ryan.
Ryan Smolar Yeah, I think it’s important because placemaking is not sort of a defined category, that it really has to be represented in the room, on people’s lips. They have to understand what a placemaking program looks like, that is funded. I think the hidden hero of your report is the program that you guys operated nationally because you got the money into the hands of small scale and medium scale placemaking projects, and that’s just not happening enough where funding, and technical assistance and support are made available to communities, where it can be put into play much more effectively, cost effectively with them leading the cause. So we definitely want to encourage that practice across the land.
Mary W. Rowe Thanks, Ryan, and just hats off to our partners at Community Foundations of Canada, who worked with their chapters and their members across juries and all sorts of processes to get those resources. And the catchword I always use is, we always need to find ways to make money smaller. Because large size governments, and also private sector and pension funds, are accustomed to writing big checks. And in fact, what we need are ways to get money that are in smaller increments that can make an extraordinary. difference to a particular community. Doesn’t always have to be large. Doesn’t always have to have gazillions of zeros. Jacquelyn, Bridget, and then last two, Ethan and Madeleine. Jacquelyn, last words to you.
Jacquelyn West Yeah, well, I just wanted to just touch on your question about the private sector. And I think what we’re seeing now is sort of, as the practice of placemaking gains momentum and people start to understand a little bit more, like, you know, finding out what do people want from their public spaces, and finding this intersection between top-down, large investments and bottom-up community direction. And I think that we’re having a really exciting moment in city-building and development when we are bringing the placemaking perspectives and the placemaking practitioners in earlier in the process. And I just, I really applaud that, and I, you know, we see some large scale city infrastructure projects that are really using these tools, you know, the beautiful new Mabel park, and, you know, again, some of these amazing parks.
Mary W. Rowe Yeah, yeah. And as you say, it operates at every scale, so I would encourage people to read the book, but also just look around you. You can see very modest aspects of placemaking and then very ambitious ones, but they’re all equally important. Bridget, then Ethan, and then Madeleine, last word to you. Bridget.
Bridget MacIntosh Really quick, when we talk about the collective, we and us also want to challenge everyone to shake the able-bodied mindset and recognize that both able-bodied and other, disabled, people with disabilities, disabled people, I want to recognize my colleagues, Steps Public Art published a great toolkit, Accessible Art and Placemaking Toolkit. So just to keep that in mind as well, as we approach our placemaking work to really look at all the perspectives and ability in engaging with space.
Ethan Kent So my great hope and energy through this tough winter has really come from being lucky to get to spend half of my day every day talking to Canadians, and reading from this report and looking at examples like this. We need to make a silver lining from these challenges right now. And the increased attention on Canada, the focus on, for better or worse, on local economies and the need to support them. You know, that is an opportunity to really reconnect and reinvent, you know, how places and people building each other up through placemaking can be a solution globally. So how we figure this message together, you know, how we bring in the private sector in new ways, you know, look at government leadership on all levels, but celebrate and support, you know, grassroots leadership. The narrative is coming together, the stories are there, the ideas, we have the expertise locally and globally on this. I’m really excited to work with you all, you know, over the coming months and we’ll gather in person and feel energized and supported together.
Mary W. Rowe We’re going to gather in a place.
Ethan Kent Many great places in Toronto.
Mary W. Rowe Many great places, yes yes. I love that you’ve brought the button back you guys, I have a button, look. Talk about place, can you see it? And I love the fact that you’re making the point that it’s about talk … that talk is proxy. Maybe it isn’t verbal talk, but that we are experiencing something and communicating with one another in a place. Madeleine, last word to you.
Madeleine Spencer I just wanted to say that you mentioned this making money smaller, and one of the beautiful things that I’ve been seeing with our own network is like, Katie has started this placemaking school in Jacksonville, Florida. And one of the things is what she’s been doing, and she’s been doing it ever since she was in Flint, is making these micro loans, which are like about $2500, or more, for people who have these creative ideas in place that they can actually implement in their cities. So you’re getting this grounded approach of people in their cities sharing ideas that they’ve had for years that they want to see enacted. And so it gives this iterative ability to actually start to see how and what the community is asking for. And the other thing is, like a dream thing for me when I just even have these dialogs is, if there’s 500 people who are coming into, from all over the country, I would love to see this kind of like, you remember hero with a thousand faces? That was a book, I would love to see the placemaker with a thousand faces, and the big thing to me is the narrative shift has to happen where, people are seeing, and I feel like it’s such an exciting thing really, because if this mycelium is able to grow in these places and they’re contextually developing in their own cultural formats, in these places, and we’re able to see them. It really gives us this very exciting ability to see something new happening, and we have to share these narratives. So if all the people on this chat were to give a three-page essay about some amazing project in their city and we were able to compile that, we would be able to put together this placemakers with a thousand faces.
Mary W. Rowe There’s the challenge, well we’re almost there, we have almost a thousand. So placemakers with a thousand faces, we leave you with that challenge. So go out today and look at a place, make places better, better places, better lives. Just to say that here at CUI, we are also continuing to monitor the economic impacts of the uncertain times that we’re in. And so watch for a launch next week of Main Street Canada, and also for what we’re calling, affectionately, the tariff tracker, just saying. But what we have to do is just ground ourselves in the reality. The other thing is, in a couple of weeks, you’ll see in the chat, we’re doing another very granular CityTalk on a very practical solution to housing shortages, which is single stair sessions. And listen, I know it sounds a bit wonky, but it’s going to be riveting. Single stair sessions, you heard it here first. Thank you for just bringing some hope and inspiration to us today, gang. Ryan, Madeleine, Jacquelyn, Bridget, Ethan, thanks for this. Thanks for this, for today. And we’ll look forward to seeing you in Toronto, Toronto in June. Thanks everybody.
Full Audience
Chatroom Transcript
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12:01:11 From Emilie Charlebois to Everyone:
Welcome everyone! We invite you to say hello in the chat before we get started. Tell us where you’re watching from!
12:01:31 From Megan van Campen to Everyone:
Hello from Montreal!
12:01:33 From Yvette Rogers to Everyone:
Greetings from Unama’ki (Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia)
12:01:35 From Paige Muirhead to Everyone:
Happy Thursday, from the City of Oshawa.
12:01:36 From Kory Moffatt to Everyone:
Hello from The City of Oshawa, Ontario!
12:01:38 From Carolyn Playdon to Everyone:
Hi from Edmonton
12:01:39 From Therese Cruz to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Shelburne, Nova Scotia!
12:01:41 From Stephen Marano to Everyone:
Hello from Toronto.
12:01:42 From Sila Egridere to Hosts and panelists:
Hello! I am Sila, from Frankfurt.
12:01:44 From Melanie Wagenhoffer to Hosts and panelists:
Hi, from city of Quebec
12:01:45 From Victoria Kourtis to Everyone:
Hello from Toronto!
12:01:47 From Abigail Sekely to Hosts and panelists:
Hi folks! Abigail from theHAPI.org tuning in from Scranton, PA
12:01:47 From Jude DesNoyer to Everyone:
Hello from Raleigh, NC, IUSA
12:01:48 From Brett Slaughenhaupt to Everyone:
Hello from LA!
12:01:50 From Nicole Huang to Hosts and panelists:
Hi from Mississauga!
12:01:54 From Lindsay Fischer to Hosts and panelists:
Hi from City of Calgary!
12:01:55 From Susie Braithwaite to Everyone:
Hello from Hamilton, Ontario!
12:01:56 From Jason Doolan to Everyone:
Hello from Vancouver!
12:01:57 From Jerin Sage to Hosts and panelists:
Hello friends from Flint, Michigan! Excited to hear from this panel
12:01:58 From Dawn Hadre to Everyone:
Hi from LaSalle, Ontario
12:01:58 From Sheila McElroy to Hosts and panelists:
Sheila from NYC
12:02:00 From Susanna Reid to Everyone:
Hi from Stratford, Ontario.
12:02:01 From Ella Thomsen to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from South Lake Tahoe!
12:02:06 From Edwin Linderkamp to Everyone:
It’s Edwin from Maryland!
12:02:08 From Catherine Richards to Everyone:
Hello from Oshawa!
12:02:08 From Grace Lai to Everyone:
Hi everyone! Tuning in from Toronto on behalf of STEPS Public Art!
12:02:09 From Sahara Shrestha to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from City of Ottawa
12:02:15 From Ryan Craven to Everyone:
Hi from London, Ontario.
12:02:15 From Karyn Kipper-Day to Everyone:
Hello from Waterloo Region, Ontario
12:02:19 From Cathy Belgin to Hosts and panelists:
Hello! In Ashburn, VA currently but working my way northward just as soon as I can.
12:02:19 From Luke Dyer to Everyone:
Hello from Van Buren, Maine… on the New Brunswick border near Grand Falls, NB
12:02:22 From Sahara Shrestha to Everyone:
Hello from city of ottawa
12:02:23 From Alessandra Weiss to Everyone:
Hi from Victoria!
12:02:23 From Sila Egridere to Everyone:
Hello from Frankfurt!
12:02:24 From Deeter Schurig to Hosts and panelists:
Greetings from cSPACE in Calgary, Treaty 7
12:02:24 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
Hello from Kjipuktuk-Halifax!
12:02:25 From Cassandra Olsthoorn to Everyone:
Hello from Ottawa / unceded territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation.
12:02:27 From Angela Smook to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Stuartburn, MB – 1 hour SE of Winnipeg
12:02:32 From Sarah Amies to Everyone:
Hi from Lethbridge!!
12:02:36 From Murray Scharf to Everyone:
Bonjour from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
12:02:41 From Joanna Klein to Everyone:
Hello from Northwestern Ontario
12:02:42 From Becky Ellis to Everyone:
Hello from Brant County, Ontario!
12:02:43 From Jessica Myers to Everyone:
Hello from Hamilton!
12:02:44 From Wendy Rinella to Everyone:
Hello from Oakville Treaty 14 & 22
12:02:52 From Meaghan Popadynetz to Everyone:
Hello from Mississauga
12:02:54 From Steve May to Everyone:
Hi from Sudbury, Ontario, located on traditional lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnaabeg and other Indigenous peoples.
12:02:55 From Jenna Stephens to Everyone:
Hello from Kawartha Lakes, Ontario!
12:02:55 From Roxana Stoleru to Everyone:
Hello from Montreal!
12:03:00 From Kavita Srinivasan to Everyone:
Hello from Victoria, BC
12:03:07 From Rosa Arevalo to Everyone:
Hello from Cambridge ON !!
12:03:07 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Please make sure your chat settings are set to “Everyone” so that everyone can read your comments.
12:03:07 From Ted Davidson to Everyone:
Hi from Port Credit, Ontario
12:03:08 From Dayne Jesperen to Everyone:
Hello from Toronto at the Wychwood Barns!
12:03:08 From Ushnish Sengupta to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Brampton,Ontario, Mississaugas of the New Credit Territory
12:03:19 From Gwyneth Midgley to Everyone:
Howdy from Calgary, Alberta
12:03:23 From Ushnish Sengupta to Everyone:
Hello from Brampton,Ontario, Mississaugas of the New Credit Territory
12:03:25 From Rick Merrill to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Cartagena
12:03:42 From Cathy Belgin to Everyone:
Hello, all! Unfortunately I am currently in Ashburn, Virginia, but working my way northward just as soon as I am able.
12:03:49 From Crystal Scheit to Everyone:
Hi from Lethbridge, Alberta
12:03:49 From Mel Mailloux to Everyone:
Hello from Vanier!
12:03:58 From Elizabeth Desmarais to Everyone:
Hi everyone, I’m from Ottawa
12:04:09 From Jess Liebenberg to Everyone:
hello from east Vancouver
12:04:12 From Elizabeth Desmarais to Everyone:
Hey Vanier!
12:04:15 From natasa to Hosts and panelists: nice to meet you all. Natasa from Toronto flower market.
12:04:15 From Judith Norris to Everyone:
Hello from Toronto, the Dish with One Spoon Wampum and Treaty 13.
12:04:21 From Abigail Sekely to Hosts and panelists:
Whoever selected the music, bravo – great choices!
12:04:22 From Susan Rosales to Everyone:
Hello from Oakville Ontario
12:04:24 From Kory Moffatt to Everyone:
Hey Ted!
12:04:33 From natasa to Everyone: nice to meet you all. Natasa from Toronto flower market.
12:04:34 From Michael Barrack to Everyone:
From high above the corner of King and Bay in Toronto.
12:04:43 From Sarah Amies to Everyone:
hi crystal!!
12:04:58 From Joe Batcheller to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Sioux Falls, SD!
12:05:09 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
We are recording today’s session and will share it online next week at: citytalkcanada.ca
12:05:10 From Jan Youngquist to Everyone:
Hello neighbors to the north from Minneapolis, MN!
12:05:19 From Thorsten Peters to Everyone:
Hello from Dublin, Ireland, Thorsten
12:05:22 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
So happy to see you all here! Thank you for making time in your days to talk about placemaking!
12:05:23 From Yvette Rogers to Everyone:
not backwards
12:05:39 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
We also have closed captioning enabled for today’s session. If you would like to turn it off, please click on the button at the bottom of your screen and disable
12:05:40 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
We hope this session is as interactive as possible, so please feel free to share comments, references, links or questions in the chat.
12:05:45 From Shane Mitchell to Everyone:
hello from Windsor!
12:05:48 From Sarah Smith to Everyone:
Hello all! Excited to talk about placemaking today!
12:05:49 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Please note that given the limited duration of these sessions, we are not able to answer to raised hands. Do you have specific questions for the panellists? Post them in the chat, and we’ll try to answer as many as possible with additional resources.
12:06:19 From Ricki Schoen to Hosts and panelists:
Hello everyone from Dublin, Ireland.
12:06:22 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Welcome new joiners! Just a reminder to please change your chat settings to “Everyone” so we can all see your comments.
12:06:29 From Gil Penalosa to Everyone:
From Toronto. Ideal moment to highlight benefits of public places, and usefulness of placemaking.
12:06:39 From dexta rodriguez to Hosts and panelists:
hello from the arkansas ozarks (home of Choctaw)
12:06:41 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Ricki Schoen, Hosts and panelists:
Can you change your chat settings to “Everyone” and re-post? Your comment only went to panellists. Thanks!
12:06:47 From C.J. Opperthauser to Everyone:
hello from portland, maine
12:06:53 From Sheila McElroy to Everyone:
Hi all- Sheila Mcelroy in NYC
12:07:16 From Josette Cole to Everyone:
Hi from Cape Town
12:07:18 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to dexta rodriguez, Hosts and panelists:
Can you change your chat settings to “Everyone” and re-post? Your comment only went to panellists. Thanks!
12:07:20 From Gabriela Masfarre Pinto to Everyone:
Hi all — joining from Tkaronto
12:07:22 From Zvi Leve to Everyone:
Bonjour from Montréal, where «streets as public space» is at the heart of our placemaking efforts!
12:07:29 From Jao Dantes to Everyone:
hello from Surrey! congratulations on the report!
12:07:40 From Kirsten Moy to Hosts and panelists:
Kirsten M. from the East Bay across from San Francisco
12:07:44 From Elin Strand Ruin to Hosts and panelists:
Hi from Stockholm!
12:07:46 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Joe Batcheller, Hosts and panelists:
Can you change your chat settings to “Everyone” and re-post? Your comment only went to panellists. Thanks!
12:07:55 From Jennifer McGrath to Everyone:
Saying hello from St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
12:08:07 From Julia Rocchi to Everyone:
Hello from the Glebe in Ottawa!
12:08:36 From Nicel Saygın to Everyone:
Hi from Izmir, Turkiye
12:08:52 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Abigail Sekely, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Abby! I chose the music I think you meant to text just the host and panellists, but just flagging to make sure future posts are set for Everyone
12:08:59 From shanna draheim to Everyone:
Hello from the Michigan Municipal League
12:09:04 From Missy Luick to Everyone:
Hello from Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA
12:09:15 From Quinn Mulholland to Everyone:
Hi from Lexington KY!
12:09:21 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Abigail Sekely, Hosts and panelists:
“Let’s Talk About Placemaking” is now available online! https://placemakingcommunity.ca/fr/lets-talk-about-placemaking-2025/
12:09:56 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Jacquelyn West
Placemaking Specialist
Canadian Urban Institute
Montréal, QC
12:09:57 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Jacquelyn is a creative placemaking professional with extensive experience in fostering growth in the cultural industries. She drives new opportunities for Canada’s creative economy and develops destination strategies for cultural hubs and community spaces. Jacquelyn is the editor of “Let’s Talk About Placemaking” and a recognized writer and speaker on the impact of cultural districts and creative industries as powerful engines of urban and economic growth.
12:09:58 From Craig Lennon to Everyone:
Hello from Calgary!
12:10:24 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Welcome new joiners! Just a reminder to please change your chat settings to “Everyone” so we can all see your comments.
12:10:38 From Elin Strand Ruin to Hosts and panelists:
Hi, Elin Strand Ruin from Stockholm, Sweden – but I can’t turn on my camera from my mobile. I am so glad to listen in
12:10:48 From Abigail Sekely to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you, Emilie!
12:11:06 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Elin Strand Ruin, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Elin, your post only went to the host and panellists. Please change your setting to Everyone and repost
12:11:08 From Andrea Redmond to Everyone:
Hello from Halifax!
12:11:10 From Anne Marie Aikins to Everyone:
Hello from downtown Toronto. Feeling anxious about what lies ahead but hopeful that we use this crisis as an opportunity
12:11:12 From Darren Proulx to Hosts and panelists:
From Toronto, Canada.
12:11:17 From Abigail Sekely to Everyone:
Hi folks! Abigail from theHAPI.org tuning in from Scranton, PA
12:11:41 From Elin Strand Ruin to Hosts and panelists:
12:12:10 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Darren Proulx, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Darren, please change your chat settings to Everyone. Your post only went to the host and panellists. Thank you!
12:12:43 From Elin Strand Ruin to Everyone:
Hi, Elin Strand Ruin from Stockholm, Sweden here. Thanks for doing this interesting seminar!
I can’t turn on my camera from my mobile. I am so glad to listen in
12:12:45 From Darren Proulx to Everyone:
Hi everyone, Darren from Toronto, Canada.
12:12:46 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
“Let’s Talk About Placemaking” is now available online! https://placemakingcommunity.ca/fr/lets-talk-about-placemaking-2025/
12:12:51 From Richard Gould to Everyone:
Interesting that the document evolved from the COVID pandemic. Maybe it will help us to cope with the current “Trump pandemic”
12:13:36 From Véronique Desrosiers to Everyone:
Hi from Montréal!
12:13:39 From Tara Beechey to Everyone:
Is CUI selling hardcopies of the Let’s Talk about Placemaking report?
12:13:48 From Shannon tooey to Everyone:
Okanagan, BC
12:13:50 From Fiona Sharpe to Everyone:
hello from campbellford ontario!
12:13:50 From Yegane Vahidi to Everyone:
I love the energy in this webinar!
12:13:54 From Phil Myrick to Everyone:
Hello from Hudson NY
12:13:55 From Ohayia, Chike to Everyone:
Hi, dialed in from Los Angeles
12:13:56 From Dr Champa H S to Hosts and panelists:
Mysore, India
12:13:56 From Cassandra Wysochanskyj to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Kelowna BC
12:14:02 From Braxton Hynes to Everyone:
Phoenix, AZ, USA!
12:14:02 From Emma Fillion to Hosts and panelists:
Hi! Emma from NYC
12:14:04 From Mark Finch to Everyone:
St. John’s, Newfoundland!
12:14:06 From Lindsay Fischer to Everyone:
Hi from City of Calgary!
12:14:09 From Shannon Kaplun to Hosts and panelists:
Vancouver BC
12:14:09 From Torben Laux to Everyone:
Hey from Amherst, NS
12:14:11 From Shazeen Tejani to Everyone:
Hello from Vancouver, BC!
12:14:11 From sue uteck to Everyone:
Hello from Halifax!
12:14:12 From Yvonne Reinhardt to Everyone:
London, UK
12:14:12 From Andrea Betty to Everyone:
Hello from Penetanguishene, Ontario!
12:14:15 From Alexis Cummings to Hosts and panelists:
Jacksonville, FL
12:14:15 From Kate Zago to Hosts and panelists:
Kate here from Calgary, AB
12:14:16 From Anezka Postlerova to Everyone:
Hello from London
12:14:24 From Julia Henseleit to Everyone:
G’day! Courtenay, Vancouver Island
12:14:27 From Sapphire Singh to Everyone:
hello from Hamilton, ON
12:14:28 From Lewis Silberberg to Everyone:
Hello from Vancouver
12:14:29 From Paul Sampson to Hosts and panelists:
Hi, I’m from Halifax, NS
12:14:31 From Carmen Gilmore to Everyone:
Hello from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
12:14:32 From dexta rodriguez to Everyone:
hello from the arkansas ozarks (US) home of the Choctaw
12:14:33 From kendall christiansen to Everyone:
Kendall from Brooklyn USA (sorry)
12:14:33 From Anne Marie Aikins to Everyone:
Welcome to all of our US neighbours and all of you from around the world
12:14:35 From Yegane Vahidi to Everyone:
From Richmond Hill (about an hour drive away from Toronto)
12:14:35 From Kim Sare to Everyone:
Hi from Regina
12:14:40 From Therese Cruz to Everyone:
Hello from Shelburne, Nova Scotia!
12:14:40 From Hannah Kingscote to Everyone:
Hello/Bonjour from Ottawa, Ontario
12:14:40 From Gloria Venczel to Everyone:
Hi From Sunny North Vancouver
12:14:41 From Edwin Linderkamp to Everyone:
There isn’t one definition of placemaking…
12:14:42 From Amy Mutua to Everyone:
Joining from Johannesburg
12:14:46 From reg Nalezyty to Everyone:
Hi from Thunder Bay
12:14:52 From Carmine Caruso to Everyone:
Beautiful Caledon Ontario
12:14:58 From Sangha Barthakur to Everyone:
Hello from London
12:14:59 From Susie Braithwaite to Everyone:
Downtown Hamilton, ON!
12:15:00 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Ethan Kent
Executive Director
Brooklyn, NY
12:15:01 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Ethan supports public space organizations, projects, and leaders worldwide to advance the global placemaking movement. He has traveled to over 1,000 cities across 60 countries, promoting inclusive public spaces as a driver of urban development. In 2019, he co-founded PlacemakingX to connect, amplify, and accelerate placemaking leadership globally. Ethan has helped launch and expand 30+ regional placemaking networks worldwide while also supporting PlacemakingUS and The Social Life Project. With over 20 years at Project for Public Spaces, he has played a key role in shaping placemaking as a transformative approach to economic development, environmentalism, transportation, governance, resilience, social equity, and more. A sought-after speaker, Ethan has keynoted 100+ top urbanism conferences and helped organize many of the most influential placemaking events.
12:15:03 From Sahara Shrestha to Everyone:
Saharra from PlacemakingCanada, PlacemakingUS and Placemaking Nepal!!
12:15:03 From Lucy Smith to Hosts and panelists:
Hi from Bath, UK
12:15:05 From Yurij Pelech to Everyone:
Greetings from Bessant Pelech Associates Inc Mississauga ON
12:15:08 From Jerin Sage to Hosts and panelists:
If anyone wants to connect- Jerin@GreaterFlintArtsCouncil.org – What’s Up Downtown Project- Flint, Michigan
12:15:10 From shermaine sim to Everyone:
Hello from Singapore!
12:15:17 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
Hi Sue!
12:15:23 From Lisa Danaczko to Hosts and panelists:
Hi everyone! First time participant, long-time “lurker” here listening in from Baltimore, MD.
12:15:40 From Sarah Smith to Everyone:
Sarah from Toronto – Mimico neighbourhood!
12:15:47 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Jerin Sage, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Jerin, your post only went to the host and panellists, please change your chat settings to Everyone. Thanks!
12:16:01 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Lisa Danaczko, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Lisa, your post only went to the host and panellists, please change your chat settings to Everyone. Thanks!
12:16:40 From Tara Cumby to Everyone:
Tara – St. John’s NL
12:17:04 From Leandro Santos to Everyone:
Hi from Tkaronto! Nice to see some familiar folks in the chat =)
12:17:20 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
12:17:31 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Lucy Smith, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Lucy, your post only went to hosts and panellists, please make sure to change your chat settings to Everyone. Thanks!
12:17:56 From Megan Shaw to Hosts and panelists:
Hi from Granville Island, Vancouver!
12:18:07 From Sila Egridere to Everyone:
“Winter placemaking” is an approach that transforms cities into more engaging and livable spaces during colder months. In my article for Mayors of Europe, I explored how cities implement seasonal strategies to enhance public spaces:
I’d love to hear the panellists’ thoughts on seasonal placemaking—how can cities better integrate it into their long-term urban planning strategies? Are there specific challenges they see in making these initiatives sustainable year-round?
12:18:36 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
As always, the The CityTalk chat is thoughtful, provocative and dynamic! Amplify the conversation on social media! #citytalk
12:18:37 From Megan Shaw to Everyone:
Hi from Granville Island, Vancouver!
12:19:05 From Jerin Sage to Everyone:
Hello all! If anyone wants to connect- Jerin@GreaterFlintArtsCouncil.org – What’s Up Downtown Project- Flint, Michigan
12:19:43 From lisa glover to Everyone:
Hello from Honesdale PA!
12:19:51 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
The Let’s Talk About Placemaking / Parlons Placemaking publication in a nutshell: 1. Definitions of Placemaking, Placekeeping, and Placebecoming.
2. Impact & Value – Key benefits, including six impact areas toward human flourishing and four types of ROI.
3. Approaches & Models – Strategies, best practices, and real-world examples.
4. Engagement & Design – Principles for inclusive participation and thoughtful urban
spaces. We’d love to hear your thoughts and know about your projects! placemakingcommunity.ca
12:20:06 From Brian MacLean to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Etobicoke in west-end Toronto. https://etobicokeclimateaction.ca
12:20:08 From Angela Smook to Everyone:
Hello from Stuartburn, MB – 1 hour SE of Winnipeg and 8 miles north of the Canada / US border. I am on Treaty One territory – land of the Annishinaabeg, Anishininneuwuk, Dakota Oyate, Denesuline, Nehethowuk Nations, and the Homeland of the Red River Metis.
12:20:44 From Reid Henry to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from a Canadian in New Jersey
12:20:56 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Brian MacLean, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Brian, your post only went to host and panellists, can you please change your chat settings to Everyone? Thanks!
12:21:05 From Abigail Sekely to Everyone:
Lisa Glover – we are neighbors in PA! I’ve requested to connect on LinkedIn
12:21:21 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Ryan Smolar
Placemaking US
Santa Ana, CA
12:21:23 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Ryan Smolar is the Co-Director of Placemaking US, an organization dedicated to connecting and building capacity for placemaking across the country. As a global placemaking expert, Ryan leads projects worldwide that transform public spaces into active community hubs. He works at the intersection of urban planning, cultural insights, and community engagement to create spaces that bring people together. Ryan is especially passionate about food placemaking, using markets and gardens as social places to strengthen community connections. His work empowers local leaders to create inclusive, vibrant public spaces that enhance quality of life and foster economic resilience.
12:21:39 From Jenna Stanton to Hosts and panelists:
Hello from Edmonton Canada, just bought my ticket to the Placemaking summit in Toronto.
12:22:08 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Reid Henry, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Reid, your post only went to host and panellists. Please change your chat settings to Everyone. Thanks!
12:22:36 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Jenna Stanton, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Jenna, your post only went to host and panellists. Please change your chat settings to Everyone. Thanks!
12:22:41 From Reid Henry to Everyone:
Hi all – Canadian in New Jersey, working on cultural hubs around the world.
12:22:55 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Welcome new joiners! Just a reminder to please change your chat settings to “Everyone” so we can all see your comments.
12:23:43 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
“Let’s Talk About Placemaking” is now available online! https://placemakingcommunity.ca/fr/lets-talk-about-placemaking-2025/
12:24:02 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Madeleine Spencer
Placemaking US
Santa Ana, CA
12:24:03 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Based in Santa Ana, CA, Madeleine is a dedicated leader in community development, placemaking, and the celebration of art and cultural vibrancy. She is the Co-Director of Placemaking US, a pioneering network that transforms public spaces and fosters inclusive, thriving communities. At the height of the pandemic, in response to “purple-lining,” Madeleine spearheaded The United Streets of America, a community design accelerator that reimagined how streets function. The initiative promoted innovative policies and worked with community groups and small businesses to help plan their outdoor spaces. Under her co-leadership, Placemaking US has become a hub for creativity, collaboration, and inspiration, setting new standards for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the U.S. placemaking movement.
12:24:21 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
Et aussi en français: https://placemakingcommunity.ca/parlons-placemaking/
12:25:27 From Jenna Stanton to Everyone:
Hello from Edmonton Canada, just bought my ticket to the Global Placemaking summit in Toronto
12:26:57 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Bridget MacIntosh
Cultural Strategist & Creative Producer
Toronto, ON
12:26:58 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Bridget is an award-winning Cultural Strategist who has led municipal and arts sectors, managing cultural policy, grants, public art, placemaking, and festivals like Nuit Blanche, the Toronto Fringe Festival, and JUNO Award Host City festivities. She developed Hamilton’s Events Office, leading civic events during its creative renaissance. A respected arts leader, planner, and consultant, she specializes in designing programs that build resilient cities, communities, and cultural organizations. Bridget engages, facilitates, and collaborates to drive innovation in the arts and public service sectors. She is a Toronto Arts Council Cultural Leadership Fellow, Next City Vanguard Fellow, and IETM Global Connector.
12:27:13 From Kirsten Moy to Hosts and panelists:
Ethan-Great to see you! Kirsten
12:27:55 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
The Policy chapter that Bridget led is a toolkit in itself!
12:29:10 From Carolyn Playdon to Everyone:
woohoo Edmonton!!
12:30:13 From Edwin Linderkamp to Everyone:
Alleys can be beautiful places
12:30:52 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
We hope this session is as interactive as possible, so please feel free to share comments, references, links or questions in the chat.
12:30:56 From Lindsay Fischer to Everyone:
Bridget, can you share a link to the webinar on community land trusts?
12:31:21 From Carolyn Playdon to Everyone:
An alley in Edmonton has been transformed, here is a quick read on it. It is beautiful! https://hcma.ca/project/lulus-lane/
12:31:53 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
There is also a survey that is collecting your thoughts and ideas: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1tihkeycj_QG3Z9qrL_VaYYdJ-SFUbGO20PEFjlAv604ksQ/viewform
12:31:54 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
In addition to Canada’s Placemaking Community, Placemaking Canada is a separate organic network of placemakers in Canada you may want to join/follow:
https://www.placemaking-canada.ca (Website)
http://www.placemakers.ca (Facebook Group)
12:32:29 From Deeter Schurig to Hosts and panelists:
Mary et al – love the heralding that Placemaking is “connective tissue” and the reminder that we must lean into relationship-building (rather than transactions) to be agents for the recovery and vitality we all desire in our communities. Great to share this space with such an inspiring and optimistic group!
12:32:49 From Shane Mitchell to Everyone:
zoning and development standards!!
12:32:54 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Webinar: Origins & Evolution of the Community Land Trust in Canada: https://www.communityland.ca/webinar-origins-evolution-of-the-community-land-trust-in-canada/
12:33:55 From Joe Batcheller to Everyone:
I see placemaking as an elixir to the consolidation of power that can lead to authoritarianism (e.g. Tahrir Square, Zuccotti Park). At its pinnacle, placemaking offers a forum for democracy. At the base level, it’s a garden for conviviality and community. Placemaking draws people to spaces, making them places where we can connect with one another—an innate human desire. When that happens, we can bridge our differences, which is desperately needed now more than ever.
12:34:31 From Andrea Redmond to Everyone:
CPRA’s Activate Your Neighbourhood uses placemaking principles to help communities be connected and healthy: https://activateyourneighbourhood.ca/tactics/
12:35:33 From Ryan Craven to Everyone:
Curious about experience/ideas/challenges related to working within a municipal government as a place maker inside a fragemented system-based governance system.
12:36:30 From Richard Gould to Everyone:
When is the Placemaking summit in Toronto?
12:36:41 From Susan Fletcher to Hosts and panelists:
Toronto has a homegrown co-governance model for city-funded, community-managed community centers. The badly named AOCC model (Association of Community Centers) currently has 10 independent centers each governed by a local Board of Management. And is looking at expanding the model! https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/accountability-operations-customer-service/city-administration/city-managers-office/agencies-corporations/agencies/association-of-community-centres/
12:36:44 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
June 2025
12:37:10 From Murray Scharf to Everyone:
The use of the power of the purse has centralized much decision making on local issues.
12:37:11 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
June 8-11 https://www.placemakingx.org/summit25
12:37:21 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Susan Fletcher, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Susan, your post only went to host and panellists, can you please change your chat settings to Everyone? Thanks!
12:37:55 From Sila Egridere to Everyone:
Additionally, as part of our research thesis on urban well-being, we are conducting a survey to understand how people feel in different parts of the city and what influences their happiness or stress. Your input will help design better urban spaces for a happier life. No email is required, and responses are confidential. We’d be grateful for your participation! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuyNvllku2T9R1QWLEgmuTPqz1InKlJDiBk3nTobBUzPjigA/viewform?usp=sf_link
12:37:55 From Ethan Kent to Hosts and panelists:
The 2nd Global Placemaking Summit will be June 8-11: https://www.placemakingx.org/summit25
12:38:12 From Ethan Kent to Everyone:
The 2nd Global Placemaking Summit will be June 8-11: https://www.placemakingx.org/summit25
12:38:49 From Sahara Shrestha to Everyone:
Hi TJ, Is there any volunteering opportunities for Placemaking Summit? I tried messaging PlacemakingCanada and did not get any response.
12:39:04 From Richard Gould to Everyone:
Sounds interesting but a bit pricey.
12:39:36 From Ryan Craven to Everyone:
is it a stand alone legal entity?
12:39:59 From Jenna Stanton to Everyone:
Wise Practices
12:40:00 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
There is a NFP Partnership that leads the Territory
12:40:20 From Ryan Craven to Everyone:
Funded by the city?
12:40:49 From Josette Cole to Everyone:
Will the Summit be accessible online for those of us unable to attend in person?
12:41:07 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
Partnerships and relationships!
12:41:17 From Stephen Marano to Everyone:
Here in Ontario, the provincial government can interfere in a municipality’s affairs (i.e. the bike lanes controversy.)
12:42:03 From Ethan Kent to Everyone:
The Summit has been initially planned a Global Leaders Summit. We’ve been delighted and surmised to find such strong interest from locals and Canadians. Because of this we’re looking to have a one day option for Canadian on June 11th. Perhaps called “Placemaking Canada Day.” More soon…
12:42:04 From Marcello Cabezas to Everyone:
@bridget @jacquelyn – can you share any private/brand best in class examples of placemaking in Canada?
12:42:22 From Zvi Leve to Everyone:
If anyone is interested, I have an ever-growing photo album dedicated to various placemaking projects and efforts in Montréal’s Quartier des spectacles. Hard to capture governance structures in photos https://www.flickr.com/photos/zvileve/albums/72157677710454906/
12:43:12 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
If you have any questions you would like us to follow up on, please send them to cui@canurb.org
12:43:24 From Ethan Kent to Everyone:
The part of the Summit taking place at the World Urban Pavillon in Regent Park will be live streamed and recorded. Most of the rest of the Summit will be very participatory.
12:44:16 From Linda Williams to Hosts and panelists:
Need to educate communities of the value of community building and placemaking for better neighborhoods and our democracy especially right now.
12:44:22 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
There are definitely opportunities to connect and shape the Summit. If you are interested in helping or have suggestions, I recommend reaching out to the email at the bottom of the page ( https://www.placemakingx.org/summit25 ) and we will get back to you as soon as we can. It was a big week getting to the registration announcement.
12:44:42 From Japjot Singh to Everyone:
Love how placemaking is gaining momentum in Canada. People need this sense of belonging.
12:45:03 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Linda Williams, Hosts and panelists:
Hi Linda, your post only went to host and panellists, can you please change your chat settings to Everyone? Thanks!
12:45:04 From Ethan Kent to Everyone:
Discussion of Indigenous Placemaking and Placekeeping: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/indigenous-placemaking-placekeeping-first-peoples-us-all-ethan-kent/
12:45:23 From Richard Gould to Everyone:
Sounds like there many similarities to community development
12:45:42 From Zvi Leve to Everyone:
Here is the Evergreen link on placekeeping https://www.evergreen.ca/stories/through-an-indigenous-lens-a-shift-from-placemaking-to-placekeeping/
12:45:52 From Alison Herr to Everyone:
Here’s the document Jaqcuelyn is talking about! It’s from the Civic-Indigenous Placekeeping and Partnership Building Toolkit: https://evergreen.ca/resource-hub/resources/civic-indigenous-placekeeping-and-partnership-building-toolkit/
12:45:54 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Tool: International Indigenous Design
Charter: https://evergreen.ca/resource-hub/resources/tool-international-indigenous-design-charter/
12:46:13 From Jenna Stanton to Everyone:
Hackney Wick in London was once home to Europe’s largest concentration of artists but faced rapid gentrification due to the Olympic Park redevelopment. The local creative community was being displaced at an alarming rate, as their run down spaces were quickly being bought up by speculators and developers. The creative community mobilized to ensure their voices were heard and formed a Creative Community Cultural Interest Group that they leveraged to engage with government and developers. Also developed a Community Development Trust. New Article here: https://thisisthewick.com/environment/planning-differently
12:47:21 From natasa to Everyone: love all of that Madeleine!!!
12:47:29 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
Spirit of Place!
12:48:02 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Reminding attendees to please change your chat settings to “Everyone” so we can all see your comments.
12:48:23 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
As always, the The CityTalk chat is thoughtful, provocative and dynamic! Amplify the conversation on social media! #citytalk
12:49:10 From Edwin Linderkamp to Everyone:
The spirit of place, like MIG Inc.’s project on Yanaguana Garden in San Antonio, Texas.
12:49:26 From Linda Williams to Everyone:
Important to educate community of the value of community building and placemaking for better neighborhoods and our democracy right now!
12:50:25 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
From our interviews we found that the practice of placemaking offers a means of achieving an urban future where people shape their public spaces and are empowered to see themselves and their values reflected in them. Placemaking is, (from these conversations and their IRL examples) defined not by scale or cost but by its approach— rooted in community engagement and cultural resonance.
12:50:27 From Darren Proulx to Everyone:
Thank you for a great presentation everyone! I have to drop off for another call.
12:50:31 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
Anyone know of examples of Indigenous Placemaking/Placekeeping across Turtle Island? Wije’winen is a good example in progress in Kjipuktuk-Halifax: https://wijewinen.com
12:52:25 From Ben DiRaimo to Everyone:
Great presentation – Look forward to more!!
12:52:33 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Check out the CityTalk Podcast: https://citytalkcanada.ca/discussion_type/podcasts/
12:52:34 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Tune in to Mary’s conversation with Jacquelyn West and Bridget MacIntosh, alongside placemakers Jerome Barth of Belleville Placemaking (NYC) and Marc-André Carignan of Kollectif (Montreal), in our latest CityTalk podcast: https://citytalkcanada.ca/discussions/lets-talk-about-placemaking/
12:53:13 From Japjot Singh to Everyone:
Have to jump off for another call as well, thanks for all the insights and resources. Will try to be a part of the summit as well.
12:54:10 From Catherine Richards to Everyone:
12:54:30 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Bentway “Rx for Social
Connection”: https://thebentway.ca/publication/rx-for-social-connection/
12:54:30 From Rou Alex to Hosts and panelists:
12:55:01 From Marcello Cabezas to Everyone:
Public/private partnership is the answer:)
12:55:21 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
“Let’s Talk About Placemaking” is now available online! https://placemakingcommunity.ca/fr/lets-talk-about-placemaking-2025/
12:55:22 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Et aussi en français: https://placemakingcommunity.ca/parlons-placemaking/
12:56:09 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Subscribe to the CUI newsletter for updates on CityTalks and all things CUI: https://canurb.org/subscribe/
12:56:09 From dexta rodriguez to Everyone:
I am involved with placemaking as a tool for repairing spatial inequities – after discovering a buried once-segregated pool in my community with nothing in the community narrative that ackowledged it even existed and only the elderly had memories of it but for vaious reasons never passed their experiences on to their children and grandchildren
12:56:14 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Keep the conversation going #CityTalk @canurb
12:56:25 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
If you have any questions you would like us to follow up on, please send them to cui@canurb.org
12:56:48 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram @canadianurbaninstitute
12:57:02 From Ryan Craven to Everyone:
Jane Jacobs warned against big money in cities.
12:57:22 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
12:58:00 From Alison Herr to Everyone:
Dexta, place memory and storytelling can be such powerful tools for community cohesion. Thanks for sharing.
12:58:01 From Michelle Bilek to Everyone:
For far to long the expropriators of community have been the decision makers. The lack of significant and authentic inclusion of community members ( diverse and intersectional, including unhoused people) not only in consultations, but within the development of polices, programs, implantation, development, and oversight is essential
12:58:05 From dexta rodriguez to Everyone:
where can I find that, Bridget?
12:58:08 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
12:58:17 From Lukas Golka to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you for interesting webinar. Wish all a beautiful day.
12:58:26 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
This CityTalk recording, transcript and 5 takeaways will be available online next week at https://citytalkcanada.ca/
12:58:35 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
In case you missed it, watch now! “Good Neighbours, Strong Regions: Cultivating Regional, Cross-border Strategies to Build Local Economies”: https://citytalkcanada.ca/discussions/good-neighbours-strong-regions-cultivating-regional-cross-border-strategies-to-build-local-economies/
12:58:37 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
Note: Canadian public spaces are
extremely important as they
bring together 450 ethnic and
cultural origins, 200 places of
birth, 100 religions and 450
languages (Statistics Canada).
12:58:55 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Join us for our next CityTalk on March 20th which will be part of a special series we are hosting with LGA Architectural Partners on how single stair designs can transform middle housing and help tackle Canada’s housing supply challenges. These “Single Stair Sessions” on March 18-19 will bring together top architects, engineers, and building code experts from the US, UK, Canada and Sweden to explore innovative solutions that can unlock more housing options in urban areas. Learn how these designs support gentle density, enhance housing diversity, and maximize land use on small sites—all while improving sustainability, accessibility, and design flexibility. Then on March 20th we’ll explore how industry leaders are challenging, adapting, and influencing policies to unlock more “missing middle” housing solutions:
12:59:05 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
CityTalk | Live — “Addressing Canada’s Housing Supply: Can Regulations Drive Housing Innovation?”, March 20, 12pm EST: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F8jWnuiKT_mwrTgogTV8uQ
12:59:13 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Single Stair Sessions Day 1 — “The 3 Ps: Pilot Projects and Prototypes” March 18, 12pm EST: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ja9bhfWxRUaaZdxE4ZVoPg
12:59:20 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Single Stair Sessions Day 2 — “The 2 Ss: Safety and Sustainability” March 19, 12pm EST: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sJZYIDaBSJOIC_DKqDxGmg
12:59:24 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
This knowledge mobilization event is supported by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Housing Supply Challenge – Round 4: Building for the Future, which supports innovative solutions that remove barriers to increasing housing supply in Canada.
12:59:29 From Ushnish Sengupta to Everyone:
@dexta Josephine Grey ion the St Jamestown Coop n Toronto has been working on converting an unused pool into a tank for fish to feed the community
13:00:00 From Joanna Klein to Everyone:
Thanks J. West for noting the Stats Canada impact of public spaces.
13:00:13 From Emilie Charlebois (CUI) to Everyone:
Stay in the loop by subscribing to our newsletter: https://canurb.org/subscribe/
13:00:22 From Alexis Cummings to Hosts and panelists:
Placemaking School participant here! Yay Lady.
13:00:24 From Alexis Cummings to Hosts and panelists:
13:01:25 From Jacquelyn West to Everyone:
In her foreword, Mary Rowe captured where we are now: “Placemaking has moved beyond a niche practice into a national conversation about who we are as communities and how we live together.” Thank you everyone for taking the time!
13:01:33 From Abigail Sekely to Everyone:
Incredible insights and energy Madeleine
13:01:49 From Sarah Amies to Everyone:
thank you everyone. great webinar!
13:02:12 From TJ Maguire to Everyone:
Love the energy on this call. Thank you! Hope to see everyone in person at the Summit ( https://www.placemakingx.org/summit25 )
13:02:15 From Dr Champa H S to Everyone:
Very thoughtful session
13:02:16 From Rosa Arevalo to Everyone:
Thank you !
13:02:16 From Rou Alex to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you! Wonderful discussion!
13:02:18 From Abigail Sekely to Everyone:
Thank you all!
13:02:19 From dexta rodriguez to Everyone:
interested in sharing for the Thousand faces project, Madeleine
13:02:22 From Joe Batcheller to Everyone:
13:02:24 From Jenna Stanton to Everyone:
for TJ https://www.skwachays.com/about
Skwachàys Lodge in Vancouver. Redeveloped old hotel to a unique Indigenous social enterprise that combines artists live work spaces, artist residency program, and social enterprise in a boutique hotel and gallery.
13:02:24 From Carolyn Playdon to Everyone:
Thank you!!!
13:02:25 From Sheila McElroy to Everyone:
Thank you all!!!
13:02:25 From Véronique Desrosiers to Everyone:
WOW Thank you all
13:02:25 From Stephen Marano to Everyone:
Very thoughtful session
13:02:26 From Alexis Cummings to Hosts and panelists:
13:02:26 From Jess Liebenberg to Everyone:
thank you!!
13:02:27 From Catherine Richards to Everyone:
Thank you so much!
13:02:27 From Rachel Bregman to Everyone:
thank you to everyone! amazing
13:02:28 From Nicel Saygın to Everyone:
13:02:30 From Aimee Nguyen to Everyone:
Thank you
13:02:30 From Emma Fillion to Hosts and panelists: