
Live video recordings of online discussions


In-depth, long-form topical conversations

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Our series of online, candid conversations brings together city builders of all stripes to discuss what’s working, what’s not and what’s next for urban communities across Canada.

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: How Does Our Approach to Housing and Homelessness Change? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Tim RichterFounder, President & CEO, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness Margaret PfohCEO, Aboriginal Housing Management Association Leilani FarhaGlobal Director, Make the Shift John van NostrandFounding Principal, SvN Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: Live City Check-In—One-on-One with Halifax Mayor Mike Savage Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Mike SavageMayor of Halifax Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation| Additional Reading & Resources 1. Keep the buses running Cities are going to have…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: How Will Local Governments Deal with the COVID Cash Crunch? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Noreen KassamDeputy Chief Administrative Officer & Chief Financial Officer, City of Burnaby Mary PerssonDeputy Minister, Infrastructure at Government of Alberta Kelly PalecznyGeneral Manager, London Transit Commission Enid SlackDirector, Institute on Municipal Finance & Governance, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public…

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  • Cities in the Time of Covid-19: How Can Youth Be At the Centre of Urban Recovery? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Veronika BylickiCo-Founder & Executive Director, CityHive Michael Redhead ChampagneIninew helper, host, speaker, and author Linxi MytkolliLead, Patient Engagement & Knowledge Mobilization, Diabetes Action Canada Ana Gonzalez GuerreroCo-Founder, Youth Climate Lab Aaron MyranCo-Founder and CEO, Future Majority Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: Live City Check-In—One-on-One with Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Lisa HelpsMayor of Victoria Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation| Additional Reading & Resources 1. COVID has hit the most vulnerable the hardest Victoria…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: How Will the Role of Public Libraries Be Changed? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Paul TakalaChief Librarian/CEO, Hamilton Public Library Maureen SawaCEO, Greater Victoria Public Library Mary ChevreauChief Executive Officer, Kitchener Public Library. Gohar AshoughianUniversity Librarian, Wilfrid Laurier University Åsa KachanCEO and Chief Librarian, Halifax Public Libraries Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: How Do We Respond to Two Crises: Covid-19 and Climate Change? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Laurian FarrellRegional Director, North America, Resilient Cities Network Jeff HebertPresident, HRA Advisors Elliott CappellNational Climate Change Leader, Partner, PwC Canada Allison AshcroftPrincipal. vivo Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: How Can We Build Community Wealth as Our Economies Recover? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Zita CobbFounder and CEO, Shorefast Ted HowardCo-founder and President, the Democracy Collaborative Rosemarie PowellExecutive Director, Toronto Community Benefits Network Colette MurphyChief Executive Officer, Atkinson Foundation Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas,…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: What Are the Impacts on Local Economies? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Patrick SullivanPresident & CEO, Halifax Chamber of Commerce Mary MoranCEO, Calgary Economic Development Mark GarnerED, Downtown Yonge BIA Karen WongCo-Founder & CEO, TAKU Retail Bruce KatzCo-Founder, New Localism Advisors Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 KeyTakeaways A roundup of the…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19: How Will Public Engagement and Participation Processes Change? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Zahra EbrahimCEO, Monumental Nicole SwerhunManaging Principal, Third Party Public Jane FarrowPrincipal & Founder, Dept. of Words & Deeds Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 KeyTakeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation 1.…

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  • Cities in the time of Covid-19:What are the Impacts on Urban Architecture and Design? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Adam LubinskyPrincipal, WXY Studio Janna LevittCo-founder, LGA Architectural Partners Franc D’AmbrosioPrincipal, Architect, D’AMBROSIO architecture + urbanism Alex BozikovicArchitecture Critic, The Globe and Mail Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 KeyTakeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes…

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  • CityTalk: Civic Institutions – Maximizing Possibilities Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Sue UteckED, Spring Garden ABA, Halifax, NS Sarah MeilleurCEO, Calgary Public Library Bill MooreED, Community Safety, HRM , Halifax, NS Åsa KachanCEO and Chief Librarian, Halifax Public Libraries Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the…

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