
Live video recordings of online discussions


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  • Mobility as a Service: How can MaaS support better mobility access? Featured Guests You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation 1. Furthering the conversation around Mobility as a Service. In an environment of shifting traveler behaviours, constrained municipal…

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  • How can we work together on the mental health crisis in our downtowns? Featured Guests You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation 1. The need for highly coordinated care in communities. Vancouver Police Superintendent Howard Tran opened the discussion by…

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  • How Might Office Conversions Revitalize the Post-Pandemic City? Featured Guests You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation 1. Making the case for conversions Pandemic-induced shifts to remote and hybrid work combined with high office vacancies…

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  • CityTalk: How Are Ukrainian Cities and Municipalities Planning Their Recovery? Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript 5 Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation1. Ukraine’s cities have diverse and distinct recovery needs. Alexander Shevchenko, urban planner and founder of ReStart Ukraine, presented…

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  • COVID 1000 and Beyond: Making Better Decisions Featured Guests You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation 1. Data is critical to decision-making and needs to be communicated and accessible to a broad audience. Data and…

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  • COVID 1000 and Beyond: 1-on-1 with Minister Bennett Featured Guest You’ll find this guest among our growing roll of Urban Champions. Carolyn BennettFormer MP, Government of Canada Summary Panel Transcript Chat Room Transcript Key Takeaways A roundup of the most compelling ideas, themes and quotes from this candid conversation The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Associate Minister of…

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